Please excuse the mess while we refurb!!!!

Due to popular demand, we're very excited to expand our range of beautiful freeze dried rose petals over the coming weeks. We're currently busy working on the photography and preparing the new listings ready to launch the brand spanking new range!

Although we are thrilled to launch the new range of petals, with over twenty new colours and mixes, it is a sad time too. To make way for the new range, it does mean that some old favourites will be disappearing soon. We will be discontinuing the larkspur petal range. Last chance to buy, so grab them while you can (don't forget, the larkspur petals last for up to 12 months provided they are stored carefully, in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight).

The new petal range will offer similar colours options to the current larkspur range, but with a fresh new feel.

Exciting times ahead ...